Accounting Salary Guide Financial Year 22/23

Accounting Salary Guide Financial Year 22/23

Remuneration research for Victorian Accounting practices

As we look back on the 2022/23 financial year, several key themes emerge: competition, reflection, and the growing importance of technical accounting skills. This report aims to provide insight into these trends and their implications.

Where we have seen noticeable differences in remuneration between larger firms and smaller high-performing boutiques, we have shown the salaries separately to illustrate this.

Points of note include:

  • According to research led by Lawson Delaney, 83% of Melbourne public practices will absorb the 1st July 2023 0.5% superannuation increase as a business expense.
  • Remuneration is still trending upwards however we have seen a real disparity in salaries between bigger and smaller firms, especially at Graduate to Manager level.

Firms must also think beyond salaries:

  • Hybrid working is here to stay, have you reviewed and put policies in place to support this?
  • Employee engagement is waning, have you considered culture related surveys to understand how your team think and feel?
  • Feeling valued and concrete career development will always be the biggest driver for the stars of tomorrow, however competitive salaries will get top talent through the door.
  • A culture of mental and physical safety must be prioritised with the new legislation.

Our team is on hand to provide context to the nuances around the numbers, especially as the disparity between smaller and larger firms grows. To speak with a member of our team about this report or recruitment needs, please contact us on
03 9946 7300 or